What's the original poem?
What's the original poem?
I loved the comic, and I love the animation.
And I love your comment!
It's awesome! I was waiting for the next episodes of Gwain Saga and The Guardian, and I saw this! Really wanting to see the next episodes! Plus, dope fights! Keep on doing that!
So awesome I cried when rewatching it. YOU ARE AWESOME!
It's so awesome that I dream of it. Literally. There are times when, during a handful of nights, I dream of it every night. And weeks where I think about it every day. Truly a masterpiece. Can't wait for the clairvoyant! KEEP IT UP, YOU'RE AWESOME!
In MY opinio, the back play a role too! Ass science...
Since when do butchers prepare sandwiches?
That's absolute GENIUS!!! The story, characters and animation are AWESOME!!! Also, the queen is the coolest mother I've ever seen, and I've got the Simpsons Horror Special reference. Can't wait to see the next one!
We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are. --Anaïs Nin
Age 21
Joined on 12/13/16