What's the original poem?
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What's the original poem?
I loved the comic, and I love the animation.
And I love your comment!
It's awesome! I was waiting for the next episodes of Gwain Saga and The Guardian, and I saw this! Really wanting to see the next episodes! Plus, dope fights! Keep on doing that!
Shows pretty well that common manipulation strategies don't work if you're not in front of a normally-constituted human...
Sound like the Undertale soundtrack, but even happier...
Happy was what I was going for :)
Wonderful initiative and wonderful results! I can't stop listening to it! For the language, let's just name it "Teoran", because I watch Gwain Saga way too much!
haha name it whatever you like! I don't think I'm gonna stick with the name Jordian, but if I use it for some more songs, I'll have to think of something better ;)
Great! The beginning reminds me of Beastmode by Teminite.
Eid is so cute!
We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are. --Anaïs Nin
Age 21
Joined on 12/13/16